Is your child starting to show signs of teething? Teething is a natural, but possibly painful, event in every young child’s life when their first set of teeth finally break the surface of the gums. When erupting above the skin, gum discomfort and pain can be present.
One of the first signs of teething is the teeth themselves. If you are seeing new teeth, they could already be causing your child discomfort. A few other signs and symptoms regularly include changes in sleeping patterns, an upsurge in fussiness, a general loss of appetite or desire for eating, and excessive or irregular drooling. This is normal and frequent of children who are teething. However, if your child begins to show signs of rashes or fevers, or has diarrhea, you should consult your child’s pediatrician.
When your child is teething, there are a few treatment options you can use to help them through the pain. This includes using tools and utensils to numb or alleviate the pain, such as cold spoons, washcloths, gauze pads, and specially designed teething rings. If your hands are clean, you can also use your finger to softly rub their gums.
No matter which pediatric service you choose, the real importance is the oral health benefits it can provide. If you would like Dr. Courtney Uselton and our team at Pediatric Dentistry South to bring you in for an oral exam to determine which treatment is best for you, please contact our dentist office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by calling us at 412-257-1150. With the help of our team, the pathway to a better smile can be yours.